Located in Savannah, GA, Christ Church Episcopal is the 'Mother Church of Georgia'. They are a member of the Diocese of Georgia, one of the 111 Dioceses of the Episcopal Church. Typically, services are on Sunday and worship is based in the Book of Common Prayer. Thought it can vary, it remains a comfortable atmosphere for any worshiper.
Episcopalians open the doors to all baptized Christians, regardless of age, denomination or other factors. They welcome anyone to receive communion, and if you aren't a baptized Christian, you may come forward during the Communion to receive a blessing from the presider. Everyone is welcome to experience the various styles, including singing, music, formal vestments and incense and also the informal offerings with contemporary music.
Established in 1733, the Christ Church was founded as a mission of the Church of England. Throughout its existence, the church has been at the forefront of history. In 1736, The Rev. John Wesley became the minister and started America's first Sunday school while there. He also published the first English hymnal for use in America. In 2012, The Rev. Julia Sierra Wilkinson was ordained to the priesthood at Christ Church. She became the first woman and first African-American priest in the history of the parish.
By opening their doors and hearts, the Christ Church Episcopal in Savannah, GA hopes to welcome as many people who share their beliefs and will share their experience with religion. They have taken modern strides while maintaining core values and wish to share them with the world.