Sometimes you just need to get away. Whether you’ve been working long hours and you’re tired of staring at the same wall in your cubicle for eight hours a day, or you’ve been mentally planning an oceanside getaway for the past six years, you owe it to yourself. A vacation is the perfect chance to get away, relax and come back refreshed and ready to conquer the world.
Not sure you’re ready to fill out the PTO paperwork, bite the bullet and splurge for those airline tickets? Take a look through the checklist below and see how many of these you find yourself in agreement with. You might just be surprised at how desperate we you are for a vacation.
Combat the burnout blues with a destination vacation to relax and unwind! Sometimes we all just need to escape the 'real world' for a while, but how do you know when you really need to get away? If you show any of these 'symptoms', the only remedy is a vacation!

1. You can’t remember the last time you did absolutely nothing.

2. You have to resist the uncontrollable urge to smash your smartphone every time it goes off.

3. You hear the word ‘vacation’ whenever anyone says a word like ‘frustration’, ‘exasperation’ or ‘perspiration’, and abruptly interrupt with, “Yeah, I could use one of those.” Then you go off on a tangent about how much you really deserve a trip to Tahiti.

4. You find yourself pretending the cup of water on your desk at work is actually a mojito.

5. The Walking Dead is your biggest plan after work.

6. Your friends and family have replaced, “Hey, how’s it going?” with, “Wow, you look really tired.”

7. You try to convince your boss that there really needs to be a Honolulu office. And you really do need a private jet to get there. It just makes fiscal sense.

8. Your boss is No. 1 on your speed dial.

9. You’re jealous anytime you hear that anyone went anywhere. “Man I wish I got to visit my uncle recovering in a hospital in Cleveland.”

10. You find yourself re-reading the same sentence nine times before actually comprehending it.

11. Your bathing suit is dusty.

12. Items from your to-do list keep rolling over to the next day’s to-do list. And then the next day’s. And the next.

13. You knitted yourself a tropical paradise, narwhal included.

14. You and your dog have a nightly de-stressing ritual involving cuddles, ice cream and Friends reruns.

15. You start stressing over things that really don’t matter. (But seriously, I’m pretty sure your coworker wasn't’t mean muggin you because they’re plotting something.)

16. Everyone and their mom suddenly needs something from you RIGHT NOW.

17. The wallpaper on your phone is no longer your family, but your favorite vacation spot.

18. You actually forget that winter is over.

19. You stare blankly at your computer screen at work for extended amounts of time before realizing you haven’t typed anything in like 30 minutes.

20. You make plans to grab coffee with a friend and then realize that every weekend (or week day) is already booked.

21. Your case of the Mondays lasts all week.

23. You’ve had five or more instances of road rage this week alone.

24. You wake up in a panic on the weekend, convinced that it’s actually a week day and you’re late to work.

25. You add one of those tiny umbrellas to every drink. Just because you can.

26. You’ve started talking to inanimate office objects to keep you company throughout the day.
Why hello Mr. Plant. Are you thirsty today?

27. You don't have the energy to do anyone any favors. Not even the people you love.

28. You look like this every day.
* You totally didn't notice we skipped number 22.
Sometimes you just need to get away. Whether you’ve been working long hours and you’re tired of staring at the same wall in your cubicle for eight hours a day, or you’ve been mentally planning an oceanside getaway for the past six years, you owe it to yourself. A vacation is the perfect chance to get away, relax and come back refreshed and ready to conquer the world.
Not sure you’re ready to fill out the PTO paperwork, bite the bullet and splurge for those airline tickets? Take a look through the checklist below and see how many of these you find yourself in agreement with. You might just be surprised at how desperate we you are for a vacation.